Co-Op Program
When parents and school work in partnership, benefits for the child are multiplied. A wonderful opportunity for parental support at SMS is through our Parent Cooperative Program (Co-op). The School’s tuition alone cannot cover basic and enrichment expenses; the Parent Co-op Program helps defray operating and tuition costs.
The Parent Co-op Program’s greatest benefit is providing a unique learning experience for our children, cultivating a real sense of community, giving parents the opportunity to work with teachers, meet other parents, and become involved with the education process, while making a very real contribution to the school. When children see the adults in their lives active in their school, it shapes their perception of the importance of education and strengthens their school experience. It is appreciated when parents take the initiative to be involved. Our goal is 100% parental support.
Twelve (12) Co-op hours per student per school year are required. For families with 3 or more children the Co-op hours will not exceed 30 Co-op hours per year. Each year, at the time of enrollment, parents contract to fulfill these Co-op hours within the academic school year when they sign their enrollment agreement.