Lower Elementary

1st through 3rd grade

The elementary years are precious ones. Never again will your child be able to accept so much information so readily. Children at this age have a natural desire to learn.  At Salem Montessori School, we take advantage of this by instilling a joy of learning and a solid foundation in the basics, so that your child gets so much more out of their later years of education.

Our lower elementary program at Salem Montessori School is an extension of our primary and extended day programs, for ages 6 to 9 (first through third grades).  Whereas the younger child is a sensorial explorer whose mind absorbs, the elementary child is an intellectual explorer whose mind reasons, imagines, and envisions.

Salem Montessori’s elementary program focuses on critical thinking, problem solving and cooperative learning skills through individual and small group instruction in an environment rich with hands-on learning opportunities and experiences. Mixed age groupings afford students the opportunity to work at their own pace and explore new challenges. Students develop into resourceful, self-disciplined learners in a cooperative community of learners. The Montessori program of study assures students a solid academic foundation through an integrated curriculum that includes history, geography, mathematics, natural and physical science, geometry, biology, language, literature, arts and music and so much more that the children will use for the rest of their lives.

Call us today to schedule your tour of our campus located in Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia.

From Parents:

“They [children] are insistent on showing me their work before they leave because of the genuine enthusiasm for learning that has been fostered from day one.”